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As of March 3Oth, 2022, Contactually went out of business.

RealtyJuggler is the lifebuoy you are looking for.

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RealtyJuggler system

About RealtyJuggler system

SmartPhone synchronization is just one part of the RealtyJuggler system. RealtyJuggler is a Realtor's virtual Swiss Army Knife. Track Deals, Prospects, Open Houses, Lockboxes, Expenses, Calculate Commissions, Print Mailing Labels, do Drip mail, Bulk Email, and much more.

Sign Up for Free Trial

RealtyJuggler is available as a 90-day free trial. This is literally a free trial with no cost to you. No credit card is required, and you are never billed for a free trial. It takes just seconds to sign up.

Test-Drive RealtyJuggler for 90 days FREE!

Are you ready to get organized?

Signing up for a free trial requires no credit card. There is never any charge for a free trial.

Importing Contactually Contacts into RealtyJuggler:

  1. Sign into Contactually. Click the "Contacts" tab at the top of the screen.
  2. Click on the "Export" tab at the top of the screen.
  3. Click on the "All Contacts" button to export all of your Contacts. Check the "Include Notes in CSV" check box.
  4. Click the blue button that says "Export", Contactually will process your request and send you an email with a link to your exported contacts.
  5. Click on the link sent to your email address and click Save. If you choose "Open", the data will be modified and become unreadable.
  6. Sign into RealtyJuggler and go to Main:Settings:Valet Import and follow the instructions on that screen.

About RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software

Are you wondering if RealtyJuggler Realtor Software has enough features for you? RealtyJuggler includes a comprehensive letter library, over one hundred flyers, and can synchronize with both Google Contacts and Calendar.
Most importantly, you can schedule follow-up calls and build a daily call list to incubate and convert leads into deals.

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