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(970) 672-3467

Bulk Email

Send Bulk Email, track unsubscribes, spam complaints, and opt-outs.

Email Feed

Feed leads from any web site that has a Contact-Me form - including IDX portals.


Send time-release sequences of Printed Letters and Emails (Drip mail). Email letters are automatically sent at designated date and time.Learn More 


Text message (SMS) chat with clients and prospects.Learn More 


Print batches of mail-merged letters along with matching Labels or Envelopes.


Create Real Estate Flyers using RealtyJuggler's Realtor flyer templates. Learn More 


Send us a company logo and portrait photo and we will build and install your letterhead branding.

Task Plans

Create your own Task Plans and reminders for following up with a prospect.


Import leads from any data source including RedX, your MLS, and tax records.

Mail Merge

Mail merge emails or print Real Estate Letters using our extensive library of letters. Tweak the letters, or create your own.

RealtyJuggler system

About RealtyJuggler system

RealtyJuggler is a Realtor's virtual Swiss Army Knife. Track Deals, Prospects, Open Houses, Lockboxes, Expenses, Calculate Commissions, Print Mailing Labels, do Drip Mail, Bulk Email, and much more.

Sign Up for Free Trial

RealtyJuggler is available as a 90-day free trial. This is literally a free trial with no cost to you. No credit card is required, and you are never billed for a free trial. It takes just seconds to sign up.

Letterhead Installation

Let RealtyJuggler install your company logo, and a potrait photo of yourself. This is the perfect way to create unified branding which increases open rates of your emails, and makes you look more professional.

1-on-1 Training

Complimentary onboarding includes letterhead installation, help importing your data, sync with your smartphone, as well as 1-on-1 training for you and your assistant.